Pave your career path!
Work experience helps you stand out from the competition when applying for jobs. It includes internship programme and career preparation programme.
Career preparation programme
It equips students with essential soft skills in workplace as well as strengthens their interpersonal and communication skill through different kinds of experiential learning. Through the career preparation programme, students can better understand their career interest and character strengths, and benefit their career planning.
Internship Programme
It allows students to have a hands-on experience in the workplace with a view to know the operation of different sectors/industries.
Internship can be paid or unpaid and may take various forms:
- part-time during term time
- full-time during a winter or summer break
- full-time during term time (study leave might be required)
Working partners
If you would like to provide internship placements to our students, please fill in a request form.
Intern request procedure
- Fill in the intern request form.
- Upon receiving the recruitment requirements, the College will promote the job vacancy to students through college website and e-newsletter.
- College will collect applications and make nominations to the working partner.
- To make the internship a meaningful learning experience, students will be assessed and workplace supervisors are suggested to provide feedback on the students’ performance.
Benefits for Employer
- Grasp the early opportunities to approach young, professional and enthusiastic talents
- Have additional manpower support by interns
- Select potential qualified staff in advance
- Establish organization goodwill and image by providing students with learning opportunities
- Fulfill corporate social responsibility
Ms. Yan YIP / Ms. Joyce NG
Tel: 3943 1549 / 3943 7350
Email: /